Limited time. 50% OFF QuickBooks for 3 months.*

Save for the future, invest in your team

Access affordable 401(k) plans that seamlessly connect with QuickBooks Payroll.**

Business owner working with an employee. Inset image that reads, easy, affordable 401(k) plans.

Start saving in minutes

Set up in as little as 20 minutes and start saving for a retirement you deserve.**

Build a strong team

Attract talent and match contributions so your team can grow with you.

Keep more money

Affordable 401(k) plans by Guideline fit your budget and free up your cash.**

Payroll benefits overview page on laptop.

Access 401(k) plans in QuickBooks Payroll

QuickBooks teamed up with Guideline to keep 401(k) plans affordable and easy to manage.** Set up automatic contributions or let employees decide how much comes out of each paycheck.

Enrollment in a Guideline 401(k) plan with 10 employees participating, 6% from you and 6% match from employer.

Retirement plans for every budget

Pick the plan that’s right for you:

  • Starter: A simplified 401(k) with limited features and easy administration.
  • Core: A foundational 401(k) with robust features and more plan design options.
  • Enterprise: Our most custom 401(k) with exclusive pricing options and premium support.

How it works

step one

Get QuickBooks Payroll

Sign up for QuickBooks Payroll or sign into your account to access retirement plans for your team.

step 2

Pick a 401(k) plan

Choose the right plan and set contribution levels for your business and employees.

step 3

Start saving

Pick a start date and start saving for retirement right away.

Explore 401(k) plans. Sign up

Expert support at your fingertips

Expert support at your fingertips

  • Call a Guideline expert to get answers to all your 401(k) plan, training, and onboarding questions.**
  • Get personalized support from a dedicated account manager for an additional monthly fee.

Big business benefits on a small business budget

Explore all the employee services you can get with QuickBooks Payroll.

HR support

Access helpful resources or talk to an HR advisor. Stay compliant with help from Mineral, Inc.**

Workers' Compensation

Save money and get coverage for on-the-job injuries with a policy by Next.**

Health benefits

Offer affordable medical, dental, and vision insurance packages by SimplyInsured.**

Frequently asked questions

How can we help?
Talk to sales 1-877-202-0537

Monday - Friday, 5 AM to 6 PM PT

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Easily access 401(k) plans in QuickBooks Payroll